Monday, July 4, 2011


Yeah, I know I havent been here for the longest of times. But ohwell.

I'm here already. Where I've been working for the past 5 weeks. Yet it's over in a splitsecond. Sometimes I really want to be him there or her there enjoying life as it is. Well, life here as it is isn't life as it is. I've lost something. You know that feeling when you no longer have respect for someone that you wanted to become. So badly. I nearly became them. Part of them. Not anymore. Yet, the worst part is, it's mutual. I don't agree on things you think is true. From the mountains to the valleys. What I've been living with for years, it's all gone. Just because I choose to honour another commitment doesn't give anyone any right to hate me or the rest of us. But who am I to say that. What the people with power say is always true, and what people with no power say is false. I choose not to stoop down to this level. To get to the top, do things. Things that I object. But it's false anyway. Everything I've taken for granted, they've all been taken away from me. Things to do? Suck it up, be happy and wish for that better day to come.

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